Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Revealed How To Build Muscles Quickly And Proved

Many people who complain and despair since been training for months, has been spending a lot of money to go to the gym and also buy supplements, but the muscle is not formed at all, Why does this happen? That's because they still do not know how to practice true!

Through this blog I will share with you tips on how to body build muscle quickly and easily!
pics of bodybuilding muscles
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Building the body muscles it is actually easy and fast, even without taking supplements or without the purchase of heavy equipment, because it is only as a just supporting, below are some things you should know when you want to build muscle your body:

Exercising Muscles Targeted

If the purpose of your training is to form the chest muscles, so when doing a movement focus your concentration just the chest muscles alone, for example pushup, imagine as if your chest that does lift up your body, while your arm just as the maid, with this methods, so then chest muscles will be formed quickly, plus the bonus of your arm muscles are also formed although just a little.

Discipline In Exercise

Exercise regularly, muscle is built on a regular basis will quickly formed, do not like this 'one week exercise, then three weeks not practice anymore'.

Rest Your Muscles

  • Why Muscles Need Rest?

    You should know, the muscles need time to recover to repair itself, therefore the rest is a very important part in the formation of muscle. At rest, the body adapts to the pressure that you apply during workouts, by repairing the muscle cells are damaged. In fact, the main principles of muscle building is the provision of periodic pressure on the muscles, interspersed with sufficient rest, in order to produce the muscles stronger and larger.
  • When to Break Time?

    Many experts recommend a rest period in the muscles for 48 hours. But this does not mean that today we practice the chest, tomorrow we are not allowed to practice his back. Is meant here is the same muscles, for example: today you train your abdominal muscles, the next day also train your abdominal muscles, this is wrong. do not train the same muscles continuously due to rip muscles need a chance to recover and repair.

How Muscles Formed

When practicing, we give stress to our muscles. small rips in the muscle will occur, and when we rest, our body will repair these rips and muscle in your body will be strong. This process will be repeated continuously, and we will approach the goal of our practice. Therefore, rest and good nutrition is also important as the exercise itself.

Increase the Exercise Load

When you are able to easily lift weights 10kg, then increase the load your workout, choose exercises with adding heavy weights is the first step to maximize muscle growth. However, you also have to do enough for set and repetition. Research reveals, with a maximum lifting heavy weights in accordance with the strength of the body, it will be easier to get a large muscle mass.

Calculate Set and Repetition When Exercise

The ideal number of reps per set to maximize muscle growth is 8-12. In scientific research, the range of 8-12 reps already proven effective. However, that does not mean you have to keep doing the reps from the beginning to the end of the exercise. Taking into account the strength of your energy. For example, by using 12 reps at the beginning of the exercise and 8 reps at the end of the exercise. It all depends on the strength and durability of your energy.
As a recommendation, do some low reps at least six reps on some set as the beginning of the body to stimulate muscle mass and strength. You can also use a pyramid style, using light weights for more reps and heavy weights for lower reps.

Organize Exercise Schedule

Organize exercise time is not less important, set your training schedule, for example: Monday for chest, legs Tuesday, Wednesday shoulders and back, and friday return to train chest muscles. Well an example like this means we train the chest, and give him a rest for a few days.
This method is used by people who already know and have practiced very hard so that their bodies require a longer break. Even for some pro bodybuilder, they rest their muscles for 5 days just starting training again.
The period of rest and recovery has an important role to boost the volume and intensity of your exercise program, That's why you must take into account and divide your exercise schedule.


Whether supplementation is an important thing? yes, if you include people who want to get results quickly, supplement is needed, every fitness supplements have their respective functions, the following are five fitness supplements with their function:
  • Fitness Supplements : Gainer type
    The function of this supplement is useful to gain weight by increasing muscle mass, not weight gain because fat.
  • Whey
    The function of this supplement is make the muscles so to grow and expand, when the muscles are experiencing fatigue, then consume whey, then the energy will be immediately charged back muscles and muscle mass was formed quickly.
  • Fat Burn
    The function of this supplement is to lose weight, suitable for people who are obese
  • Creatine
    The function of this supplement is adding energy to prevent muscle fatigue, the muscles are not easy to feel tired, then, the more fat will be burned when doing workouts, and muscle mass alone will have increased.
  • BCAA
    If you not workouts for a long time, the muscles will shrink by itself, BCAA function is to prevent muscle loss


There are so many selling fitness supplements online, for example, you can buy it here (click), we do not recommend, but many are already proven and feel the usefulness!
pics of fitness supplements

Things That You Should Avoid When Building Muscle

  • Do not Exercise Overrated!

    train harder will not give the best results and even increase the risk of accidents, many beginners who do not know this, and they think that by practicing more severe and often, will make their bodies quickly formed. I must tell your, remember these words TRAIN SMARTER NOT HARDER!
  • Not Concentration In Exercise

    Each exercise always concentrate on the muscles that becomes your goal or muscle that you want to built up, because if not, only make you vain exercise, muscle fatigue is not formed but only tired without results
  • Do not Train All Parts Body On Same Time

    Do not force to train all parts of your body, for beginners will usually do all the training sessions at the same time, for example, train the abdominal muscles, chest, arms, legs, etc. This exercise is not good, a good exercise is an exercise that is done in phase, for example: today train abdominal muscles, tomorrow for leg muscle, and the next exercise chest muscle, make the proper exercise schedule
By knowing the basics of vocy building above then you can build muscle easily and quickly, and is no longer a difficult thing